About Me

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I am a naughty girl with a bad habit... a bad habit for all things beautifying and seductively glamourous. Mr Tom Ford is my not so secret crush and don't get me started on the genius of Mad Men. So please join me in my expedition of Beautyland and all things deliciously decadent. And when I am not immersing myself in Beautyland I am imbuing myself in the world of Loving Kindness - Thai Yoga Massage. Please visit my blog Loving Kindness to explore this wonderful domain.

Thursday 8 September 2011

The beauty of change?

Beauty as we know comes in many forms.
It can be divinely inspired or the rich creation of man's (woman's) imagination.
These things are tangible.. we can see them, smell them, hold them and gaze lovingly (and longingly at them... damn you Miu Miu glitter shoes)!

Some beauty however is less apparent and has an almost imperceptability.
It is no less mesmerising but how to define it?

I suppose what I am refering to is 'presence'.
You know when you meet someone and they just radiate amazing-ness...
They are beautiful people... the inner beauty as it is often described.

Why am I talking about this?
Well you see it is kind of long winded (and in my random head makes sense... like a TS Eliot stream of consciouness poem - love his work).

Where was I?
Yes... the seed of this thinking sprouted from when I became redundant from my job last Novemeber. I took voluntary severance as I wanted to pursue 'passion projects'. Namely to become a make up artist and Thai Yoga Massage Therapist.

The time spent out of the rat race and allowing me to really focus on what counts has helped shift my thinking and while I love the cosmetic of life I am  also loving its deeper layers.

The beauty of change is the beauty to shake up the stagnant waters of life and let the experience ripple inside of you.
These small changes are the foundations of something bigger and that is the real beauty.

F x

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