About Me

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I am a naughty girl with a bad habit... a bad habit for all things beautifying and seductively glamourous. Mr Tom Ford is my not so secret crush and don't get me started on the genius of Mad Men. So please join me in my expedition of Beautyland and all things deliciously decadent. And when I am not immersing myself in Beautyland I am imbuing myself in the world of Loving Kindness - Thai Yoga Massage. Please visit my blog Loving Kindness to explore this wonderful domain.

Thursday 6 January 2011

Oooh ahh just a little bit...

January is that time of year when new year resolutions come into fruition and usually involve some kind of fitness/weight loss regimen.

You cannot escape the numerous celebrity workout DVDs that are littering up shop shelves... even perhaps your homes. By March ( I am being generous here ) the momentum is lost and Easter chocolate bunnies are on the mind.

For any real fitness programme to work you have to enjoy it and look forward to doing it. It becomes integral to your every day routine. By that time, the positive effects go way beyond the physical and an overall feeling of well being is also experienced.

For a number of years I have being doing Hatha Yoga on and off. I began by going to a class locally and progressed to one-to-one sessions with the incredible instructor. When that stopped I needed something fresh and innovate: Vinyasa Flow Yoga.

Due to the lack of a local class available I purchased the Shiva Rea Daily Energy DVD and begun to do it everyday ( you can do 20 minutes or longer practices ) . A year on I feel energetic and centred.... strong and flexible and happy.

For further information go to:

 However, my current obsession is the New York City Ballet Workout... Beautiful dancers and in the privacy of your own home you can pretend to be the Sugar Plum Fairy.

F x

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